Monday, February 22, 2016

cancer scare

There’s nothing like a cancer scare  
to slap you in the face and remind you of your own mortality...
to bring you to a sudden halt of the mindless routine of normal days 
and take account of your thinking and actions and choices

I’m in that scary “don’t know yet” space 
that started a week and a half ago 
when the doctor called “after hours” expressing a serious concern 
and then made room in his schedule the next day 
to get a biopsy of my uterus 
and still waiting... 
with my emotions swinging between fear and peace... 
for the doctor to call with my test results

My mind wanders and jumps along the continuum of time

to the known of the past
understanding how and why cancer might thrive in my body

to the unknown of the future
having peace...
with my body’s inevitable death
and the life I have lived 
overflowing with love given and received
yet still longing... 
to live this life fully in freedom
and know my grandchildren
and birth more love and light into this world
and make love with my beloved for years more

to the lucidity of now...this moment...the present

ALL that any of us has

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