Thursday, June 16, 2016

a walk in the woods on a windy day

Peering through my windswept bangs
I revel in the shadows dancing on the ground
leaves and branches of the trees
curls and clothing of me
raising my gaze into the canopy 
that mostly veils the clear blue skies
sparkles of sunlight flash in my eyes

In the distance
wind blowing through the eucalyptus grove
sounds of something familiar in past time
like the roar of a Colorado river waterfall
yet also sounds of something from my new home
like the hum of waves pounding upon the shoreline

Suddenly out in the open land
the golden fields and the tree tops in the distance
stir in waves and ripples
unprotected, vulnerable, 
puppets to the wind’s demands

Back within the womb of the forested ravine
calm, a respite from the wind’s chaos
birds, Dark-eyed Junkos I think, 
flitting about and playing with me it seems
and dragonflies and hummingbirds and butterflies
and a fuzzy red bug I’ve never seen before
and an aging California oak, wound gaping
having disembodied 1/3 of itself onto the forest floor

I rejoice in being a spectator of nature
today I applaud the wind 
the conductor of my symphony of senses 
heightened and pulsating throughout my body

as I walk in the woods on this windy day 

Monday, June 6, 2016

meditation respite

I close my eyes and inhale a spacious breath.
Immediately the wave of HOME washes over me.
I hear my own voice asking myself, “Where have you been? It’s been so long.”
Memories of my travels flash before my mind’s eye in
photos and postcards collected on the countless trips to OTHER places.
I observe, maybe for the first time, that my mind is simply a 
zealous tour guide to endless foreign lands.
I’m exhausted from my travels.

In this moment, I’m grateful to be choosing the respite of home. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

morning grace

I get to wake up to the “cutest” little ugly black chihuahua mix lying next to me.

My heart opens up and gushes unfiltered love and affection...

You are so sweet!
Oh my God, you are the cutest thing ever!
I love you Lola.
I just want to eat you up, you’re so sweet!
Love, love, love you Girl.

...and it feels so yummy to love so fully.