Friday, October 25, 2013

a prayer for my Dad's peaceful transition


you have lived a beautiful, magnificent life
blessing your family and friends with your unconditional love
and you are loved as deeply by each of us

your body is now shutting down and dying
we give thanks to your body for giving you so much time with us here on earth
but you are not dying 
your essence, your life force, is eternal
you are simply transitioning back to your true home and your true form
your body's death is your spirit's birth back into Heaven

there is nothing to fear Dad
you will be greeted by loved ones who have transitioned before you
they are even assisting you now 
for the moment you are ready to return to the realm of pure peace and pure love 

there is nothing to fear Dad
your bond with Mom and your loved ones cannot be broken
you will always be connected to us
and you can still communicate with us, just in a different way
we will still feel your presence and you will feel ours
our love transcends form and dimensions and time 
our love is eternal

we, your loved ones, release you to return home when you are ready
know that we will take care of each other with love
you are free Dad 
we wish and pray for peace for you - peace to your body, mind and soul
we celebrate your life 
and although we will grieve not having you physically with us anymore
we rejoice in the knowing that you will be at peace in God's loving embrace

God bless you Dad
love, light, healing, peace, and joy to your soul
thank you for blessing our lives with yours
our love to you always and forever