Saturday, February 25, 2012

journeying to joy by observing my sadness

Is it possible to be addicted to sadness? Does being a sensitive and empathic person mean that I am destined to be consumed by the sadness in my life, and in that of others and the world?
Am I ready to live a more joyful life? “Of course!”, my mind says. Yet, for me, joy will continue to be fleeting until I become aware of my unconscious lifelong patterns of attaching to sadness. I am ready to explore my relationship to sadness and challenge beliefs that I have always held as firm and unchangeable. It has been a mind-blowing experience to observe and discover some of the ways that sadness “serves” me: 
- sadness feels normal. Period. It has always been, and I have assumed will always be, the most powerful emotion, overwhelming and flooding me seemingly without my control and consuming me for great lengths of time.
- when I am sad about a situation, it feels like I am a more caring person and that I am more present to the situation than when I don’t feel sadness.
- in sadness, my prayers feel more powerful and intent-focused and meaningful. 
- there is a profound intimacy when I connect with others over sad situations, whether it is my sadness or is an “I get you and care deeply for you” connection.
- I believe that sadness is automatically coupled with my sensitivity as a “blessed curse.” 
Sadness = Normal. Caring. Presence. Powerful prayers. Intimacy. Blessed curse.
Though well-intentioned, each of these perceptions/beliefs/assumptions/patterns compromises my inner knowing and soul truth. I now can literally see how my compromising of truth is the undercurrent of all my sadness! 
This is huge...and to be continued!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

fun projects!

Update on Mason’s journey in this new year...
Check out Gloria Estefan’s newest video at the link below to see Mason as the lead male as the “Brad” character from Rocky Horror Picture Show:

Exclusive: Gloria Estefan's New Video Premiere

For the next two months, Mason is in Puerto Rico working on a Disney made for TV movie. He is a principal dancer and is having a blast! Of course, I will post a blog on the movie when it comes out!