Wednesday, December 18, 2013

a prayer for sexual enlightenment

I pray for sexual spiritual enlightenment for us humans. My heart weeps for all victims of sexual abuse around the world, female and male, and especially for the dear souls in college and middle school whom I personally know. I pray for healing for the victims as well as for the aggressors. I have to believe that the aggressors are not conscious of the pain they have caused, or of the years of suffering they have thrust upon another. I pray for their awakening to their exploitation, and for their learning of the sacred essence of our sexuality. I pray for us mothers and fathers that we too honor the true nature of our sexuality and nurture this understanding and respect in our children through open conversation. Every family that breaks the rampant cycle of sexual abuse in our society contributes to raising the energy and consciousness of us all, the whole. God help us and bless us all on our journeys.

Friday, October 25, 2013

a prayer for my Dad's peaceful transition


you have lived a beautiful, magnificent life
blessing your family and friends with your unconditional love
and you are loved as deeply by each of us

your body is now shutting down and dying
we give thanks to your body for giving you so much time with us here on earth
but you are not dying 
your essence, your life force, is eternal
you are simply transitioning back to your true home and your true form
your body's death is your spirit's birth back into Heaven

there is nothing to fear Dad
you will be greeted by loved ones who have transitioned before you
they are even assisting you now 
for the moment you are ready to return to the realm of pure peace and pure love 

there is nothing to fear Dad
your bond with Mom and your loved ones cannot be broken
you will always be connected to us
and you can still communicate with us, just in a different way
we will still feel your presence and you will feel ours
our love transcends form and dimensions and time 
our love is eternal

we, your loved ones, release you to return home when you are ready
know that we will take care of each other with love
you are free Dad 
we wish and pray for peace for you - peace to your body, mind and soul
we celebrate your life 
and although we will grieve not having you physically with us anymore
we rejoice in the knowing that you will be at peace in God's loving embrace

God bless you Dad
love, light, healing, peace, and joy to your soul
thank you for blessing our lives with yours
our love to you always and forever

Monday, February 18, 2013

sound to silence

This late morning, sitting out on my back deck wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, the warm sun beaming on my face, I grew frustrated by my inability to meditate, with my mind looping through Connor, Mason, Grace, Oreo.... 

A few years ago, a friend asked me to write an article on meditation for his website. I was and am no expert on meditation, but going through the process of writing the article helped me to step into the observing place with my own meditation practices. I learned that when I am struggling to quiet my mind enough to enter a meditative state, as I was this morning, if I focus my attention on the reality going on outside of my mind, like paying attention to all the sounds that I can hear both near and far, then I have discovered the open door to escape my mental prison.

So I listened, and quickly I shifted from my obsessive thinking and feelings of frustration, sadness, worry, this place of wonder, curiosity, and gratitude. The orchestra of life that I observed through listening was grand and magnificent. Just a few moments earlier, I wasn’t even aware of the birds singing, the rustling leaves, the dog barking in the distance, the airplane overhead, or the gentle breeze vibrating in my ear. Natural sound, or manmade, it didn’t matter, as the sounds were lively and beautiful and helped me to find presence again. Thank you sound for silencing my mind.


On another note...
Happy Sweet 16 to my dear Gracie!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My love poem to Oreo

How do I say goodbye to my precious friend? This house and my life will feel so lonely without you.

I love how soft your fur is. Petting you comforts me.

I love the way you look into my eyes and hold your gaze. We connect through our eyes, that’s how you picked me in the first place. Gracie always says you are like a human, showing emotion through your eyes.

I love the way you stay in bed until I get up, and then stay up with me until I go to bed.

I love giving you doggie massages, and the way you trust me and relax, letting me massage the muscles and joints of your body.

I love the way you are always within viewing distance of are my companion when the house is empty and quiet.

I love hiking with you. You make me feel safe. I get to share nature with another living creature who appreciates it as much as I do.

Until you came along, we rarely walked the neighborhood or chatted with our neighbors. You get us outside most every day. You get us connecting with others more regularly. And now, proudly, we are known as Oreo’s parents.

You have your quirks, no doubt, but the beauty and love that you bring to us is what prevails and shines through.

Although we didn’t have the opportunity to know you as a puppy, we are so blessed to know you as an adult and senior citizen. I love how often people comment on how cute my puppy is and are shocked to hear that you are 13 years old. So grateful for you to have had that puppy energy until the end.

We got to name you Oreo and a smile enters my face and heart every time someone says, “What a perfect name for him!”

Now I have to say goodbye. My heart is breaking. Our family will never forget the joy and the laughter and the comfort and the love that you have shared with us. Love you Oreo...forever.