Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I hear, but do I listen?

I hear, but do I listen? 

I hear people talk to me every day, but do I listen with my full attention?

I hear my body talk to me through physical sensations and injuries/illnesses and changes and fatigue, but do I really listen to the astute information it is offering me?

I hear the soft whisperings of my intuition and of Spirit, but do I always slow down and go within and truly listen and receive?

My answer to these inquiries is sometimes, but not nearly enough.

I’ve manifested a significant, and hopefully temporary, loss of hearing in my left ear from a severe ear infection over a month ago. I am incredibly grateful for my sense of hearing. Yet, this experience has been a broader blessing in that it has been the incentive for me to observe and explore how I listen, when I listen and what I listen to, all of which transcends far beyond the physical act of hearing sound.

I hear with my ears. I can only listen with presence.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

a hurting heart

“My heart hurts Mama!”

Mine too son
Though not sure why

Could it be the
in our experience?

Yet, I know
there is no one right path
and, all soul’s paths are PERFECT

Could it be the
anger infection
body limitation
in our experience?

Yet, I know
these manifestions
encourage our soul’s healing

Could it be the
assault and abuse
to body and soul
in our experience?

Yet, I witness the
the strength and empowerment
as a consequence

Could it be the
the stars alignment
resistance to letting go of past wounds
my dad is here, but gone
saturation of my energetic sponge
the end to one life’s purpose
and, fear of the unknown for the next?

Yet, I have experienced time and again
the vast support and love of Spirit
in all experiences in my life

Could it be the
many tragedies 
outside of our experience?
The shootings here and there
the flood or fire or earthquake
the political conflict and unrest?

Yet, I trust in God’s love 
and healing in all things
and for all souls

I choose
to consciously protect my energy field
to live open heartedly
to release the past 
to allow my loved ones their experiences without judgment
to express my truth 
to live my essence
to be creative
to be joyous
to be grateful in all things
to love myself

Son, I choose to heal my hurting heart

Friday, April 4, 2014

gotta share the God winks!

Two God winks yesterday:

~ Mason called from LA questioning whether the house he was about to rent was the right one. I volunteered to pull an Osho Zen Tarot card on his behalf. He asked that I pull three. The final card had a butterfly on its picture and when I read to him the significance of the butterfly...a monarch butterfly flew right in front of him.

As Mason would say, “Tehehehehe!”

~ I’ve been physically and emotionally “under the weather” and followed my intuition to pull one of Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards. I pulled Archangel Michael, letting me know that he is with me right now. Way cool! So I did some more research online and found Doreen Virtue’s article “8 Ways to Recognize Archangel Michael.” Got through the first few signs of his presence and then left for Grace’s soccer game with the information about his auric color next to read. Here’s the picture of his color:

When we returned from the soccer game, my computer was acting weird so Grace simply turned it off and restarted it so that she could use it for homework. When the computer restarted, Grace mentioned that she wasn’t sure that my computer was okay because the picture on my screen (that had been there for almost two years) was gone. Thankfully, the computer worked fine.

The picture now on my screen is cosmic and very pretty, but not mine. When I continued my research on the signs from Michael, I realized that Michael’s colors are exactly the colors that mysteriously appeared on my computer screen (see screenshot below)!