Saturday, January 30, 2016

creating miracles

Our youngest child Gracie is currently immersed in a “spicy challenge” in her life, and yet the pervasive energy is authentic power.

Gracie recently decided to transfer to a different university and soccer program. She doesn’t yet know where she will land, but she is in the process of talking with and visiting other soccer programs. The reactions of her teammates and coaches to her decision to transfer have been mixed, but of course the negativity is the most difficult to deal with.

When you are in a relationship with another person, you hope... 
to feel supported by that person
to feel that the other person knows you...understands you... gets you
to feel that the relationship lifts you up and provides fertile grounds for you to be an even better person
to feel that there exists mutual respect.

When you find yourself in a relationship where... 
you feel beaten down
you feel less than and never good enough and begin to doubt yourself
you feel your passion and energy drained and lost KNOW that your relationship is not in alignment with your intentions and journey; no right or wrong here, no blame on either person, just simply a mismatch of personalities.

Your feelings in any relationship or situation are the purest indicator of your alignment. 

Gracie’s feelings have given her the strength of clarity to make a change for better alignment. Her decision is self-empowering and role models for so many of us what honoring and respecting and loving yourSelf actually looks like. 

Some of her beloved teammates may never understand her decision, but, thankfully, Grace is wholly tapped in to, and honoring, what is healthiest for her. Only you know what is right for you. No one else can dictate or control that.

I am overwhelmed with awe witnessing my daughter create and manifest in “miracle” energy, the energy of creating through love with all fear released, allowing like energies, like intentions, like alignments to flow freely and connect effortlessly to each other. I second the sentiment of one of her teammates, “Hell yeah Gracie you rock! You do you like you always do!”

Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016: follow my bliss, not my lists

Jenice, please release 
rehashing and regret 
disappointment and my critical voice
lists and control
“shoulds” and “have tos”
of my progress, my productivity, my choices
last year...and yesterday...and today
I only have this moment Now
total Freedom to Play

when I observe my pattern of Self distraction
“no energy” excuses
phone games...
take a moment, a deep breath, and ask myself: 
What do I really want in this moment?
Will this bring me joy or connection?

New Year potential:

follow my creative impulses

meditate more regularly...
I know the Flow that flows from it!

just thinking of all the possible to-dos
that I now have the time to-do
drains my life force

follow my Bliss, not my lists

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas: loving us into love

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.       
~ Charles Dickens

I am deeply grateful for America’s cultural honoring and celebration of Christmas, that we have collectively deemed this holiday worthy to interrupt work schedules and the normal routines of our lives. Granted, there is the gift giving and consumerism and parties, but Christmas-time holds the space for so many more rich gather at “home,” connecting and communing with family and friends, to honor the birth of Christ and the gifts of his brief life on this planet that have persevered through so many years and generations, and to reflect upon the innumerable blessings in our lives.

My love for Christ is overwhelming, and yet, even at Christmas, I observe my own resistance to sharing our heart-felt love and connection. I struggle to contain a love that feels uncontainable, because I do not want to risk aligning with Christianity’s teachings that Jesus is the ONLY way and truth and answer...and that any other way is wrong. 

My love for Christ Consciousness is the same as:
Deva Premal’s love for Osho
Ram Dass’ love for his guru Maharaj ji
the Dalai Lama’s love for Buddha get the idea

Many teachers, masters, prophets, persons have lived on Earth and manifested pure, divine love expressing...the essence of each of us. 

I love Jesus, and through our connection I have found my true self. Through Jesus I have tapped into divine love, the love that is our essence and source. Through whom have you found your true self? Who fills your entire being with love, knowing, bliss, truth, peace...? Who past or present, in this world or on the other side of the veil, has opened your heart allowing you to be truly present in this world, with profound divine love overflowing, with connection to all? 

In my love and celebration of Jesus at Christmas (and every day), I am also celebrating and honoring all of the teachers and masters and love energies who have loved us into love. I am grateful.