Sunday, November 13, 2016

loveTrumpshate - healing of the feminine

For the first time in my 30+ years of voting in a Presidential election (I’ve voted both parties over the years), the choice between the candidates moved far beyond politics for me

that's why it hurts so much,
why I feel a sense of personal affront, 
why I am struggling to grasp that more women voted for Trump than didn’t
...women who are thought-ful, loving, nurturing, empowered, peaceful, intelligent, mothers and sisters and daughters and wives and friends...

and yet, faced with, in my mind, this glaring and obvious opportunity for the feminine to say “no more” to misogyny, abuse, demeaning and belittlement, 
“we women” chose more of it please, more of the embodiment and modeling of one of masculine’s lowest energies - the blatant lack of honoring of the feminine. 

How? Why? 
I am compelled for my own sense of peace to understand and process this occurrence (situation, reality, phenomenon...) by doing my best to step into the shoes of this majority of women voters.

Maybe some of us were able to compartmentalize this election into a strictly “political” arena and detach from it personally.
Maybe some of us believe that politics operate under a different set of standards than those we choose to live by in our day to day lives. The show Survivor comes to mind where you can witness honest people compromising their normal standards of integrity because they are able to segregate the experience as a “game” distinct and separate from the “real world or reality.” 
Maybe personal life circumstances dictated that a drastic change in the political arena was a higher priority to vote for than integrity.

Maybe our society or work environments or families or partners have some of us women so accustomed to being 
put down, 
less than,
not worthy,
that we were not empowered enough to take a stand against the energy and essence of Trump as being abusive to us (and to so many other groups and races),
or maybe we simply are hardened to this abuse because it’s so pervasive in our culture through generations upon generations, and we felt like Trump was not concerning or alarming, but rather a continuation of the status quo.

Maybe there is a myriad of other reasons for women to have voted for Trump.
What I have discovered in my attempt and intention to understand anothers free will choice that feels opposing and threatening to mine, is that I have empowered the graces of empathy and compassion within myself.
Instead of sitting and stewing in the pool of fear and toxicity initially triggered in me by women voting for Trump...

(Dare I admit my fear and judgment for fear of being judged myself?...Yes, I dare...insulted, angry, shocked, grief-stricken, how could those women be so short sighted and selfish and fucking moving us backwards, deeply saddened, forced to look at and possibly accept that women in our progressive country honoring freedom of choice and expression are actually living from root chakra energy and are closed down in their belly, solar plexus and heart chakras...)

I sought understanding and reconciliation with an opposing viewpoint
and now I have woven a thread connecting us and enabling me to

-tap in to peace whenever fear or grief or judgment surfaces again

-gently remind myself that we all live from different circumstances and perspectives (their vote for Trump is only insulting to me when I make the incorrect assumption that they have the same viewpoint and perspective that I do)

-hear and join the call of the divine feminine seeking healing, seeking balance and harmony, with the divine masculine 

-hold the space for awakening, healing, transformation, without judgment

Love, light and healing to the divine feminine in every country, culture and corner of our beautiful world.